Temporary Accomm/Garage – Pt 18

Anzac weekend so just a short blog this week to reflect the 2nd short week in a row. This weekend was about getting as much of the internal linings on the lower ceiling lined and the kitchen/bathroom walls. The ceiling work was particularly challenging and took all 3 of us to get each one in place. The scaffolding once again came into great use. It was a bit wet especially Sat so we were happy to be working inside.

Sunday we managed to finish the ceiling lining by lunchtime and spent the rest of the afternoon on the bathroom linings. In between joint tasks Neil carried on with fitting off the electrical. Monday was a only a short day as since it was Anzac day we had said we would be available to join the parade/service with FENZ/St John. It was great to be part of it and also be able recognise so many people from our new town already.

We are getting closer and closer and hopefully in a couple of weeks we will have plumbing and power all sorted so that we can actually stay overnight. Watch this space! And thanks for reading our blog. Margie & Al 🙂