Temporary Accomm/Garage – Pt 14

Friday Al once again headed off in the morning to be onsite for a couple of deliveries. The 1st being the cladding, internal linings and insulation from Mitre 10 and 2nd the temporary fencing through Mainfreight. Once that was done Al started the staining of the external plywood for the next day as well as putting in the earth stake for the power, it was always a gamble if he would be able to drive a 2m stake into the ground with all of the rocks but it seemed to go in, who knows what angle the bottom part is actually in at. I again headed off after work and it was persisting down from Otira right through to Hoki. Al had arrived at Bluespur before me and was kindly waiting at the gate to close it after me so I didn’t have to get out. I was grateful for this as I was in shorts and a t-shirt as it was sunny when I left Coalgate. We realised how lucky we had been throughout the build to have 98% fine weather throughout.

Saturday morning I forgot to put on the alarm but we woke just after 7 and still managed to get to BB to hear the 9 o’clock news as we drove up the main street. It wasn’t raining when we arrived but soon after it started to rain. We thought we would need to change tack and do some inside work, but the rain showers were short and we were able to start on the front external cladding. The cladding around the windows was quite intricate and required Al’s mathematical mind to work out the measurements for the tricky cutting around windows and flashings. It was hot on the roof and without the scaffolding it required multiple trips up and down the ladder, its amazing how many times we forgot the tape measures having to go back down to retrieve them. Each sheet of cladding although already pre-stained, once cut into the correct shape, needed staining on all edges as a sealant. Fortunately with the sun out it didn’t take long to dry so we didn’t have any long delays. There may have been some swearing and cursing throughout the day but we got everything cut and most sheets up before heading back to Hoki for the night both pretty worn out.

Sunday we packed up at Hoki and headed to Bluespur. We were hoping we would get the cladding finished so Al didn’t have to stay on another day. Our part needed to be finished for the roofers to come back and install the metal cladding and the flashings over the our timber cladding. The end roof was a triangle so more maths was involved and made more complicated as while one roof sloped up the other sloped down. Al had already worked out the likely angles for cutting each sheet. His mathematics were perfect and we made pretty swift work on getting the end finished. Once that was completed we just need to put up the fascia and the box corner battens which we had already pre-stained in the morning for the roofers to attach the ridge and barge flashings to.

The last job before heading home (apart for the usually packing up which usually takes about 30mins) we needed to erect the temporary fencing. It wasn’t difficult but the bases weighed 20kg so moving them into place took a reserve of energy. We are really pleased with the quality of the fencing and how relatively easy it is to maneuver. It was good to finally get the building site secure and to the required H&S standard. We left to head home to Coalgate a bit later then usual just after 4pm. We were in separate cars and Al was a wee bit in front so he picked up some takeaways in Darfield and I carried on home to check all was okay.

So we were pretty knackered by now , as it was now about 7.30. We were having a well earned drink when there was a knock at the door. Al went to the door and there was an elderly gentleman who said he was looking for somewhere to stay. Having an accommodation unit we just assumed he had been referred by someone local. We said that our unit wasn’t available but his best option was likely the Glentunnel camping ground and he said he would go and see. As it was quite late and it became apparent he was on his own and he was wearing slippers, as well as saying he was supposed to meet his brother but didn’t know where and that he had not showed up. Our Search & Rescue experience, especially being involved with WanderSearch in the latter years, made us think that something was not quite right. This lovely gentleman had somehow managed to open our front gate, drive up the drive and park outside Al’s workshop/garage and then come to our front door. We thought that he was likely being looked for so we found out his name and with some investigation where he was living and while I entertained him Al rang the police. We were right he was a long way from where he was supposed to be and his family and police were looking for him. Long story short we brought him inside, gave him a cuppa and waited and chatted (along with Brian the police officer) for his family to arrive. When they arrived they were a bit embarrassed but we said we had a great time hearing all of his stories about his job and where he grew up, he was quite entertaining . We finally had tea at 10pm and and got to bed a bit later than planned. We were just happy that we were in the right place at the right time and he got home safe and sound.