Temporary Accomm/Garage – Pt 12

We decided to head over Saturday morning for a change, which meant we didn’t have the mad rush to get ready after work on a Friday. We left Coalgate earlyish once we had Sammy, Ben and the chooks stocked up in food for an overnighter. It was a fine day on both sides of the alps and we got to BB around 11. We knew the roof had gone on Tuesday so we were excited to see it. It’s great to have cover now as most of the work now is inside apart from the parts to be timber cladded outside.

Our aim was to get things in place for the door installer as well as the plumber. Our first job though was to take down the safety nets and brackets which although not difficult did take a bit of time. Once that was done Al started on the framing for the roller door while I added some blocking for the gas bottles and gas hot water. This took took the rest of the afternoon and by the time we packed up and drove to Blue Spur it was nearly 6. It was a nice evening so we sat on the deck until it got a bit cool and Essie & Quasi had annoyed us enough wanting attention that we escaped inside.

Sunday morning we dragged ourselves out of bed at 7 and were on the road to BB by 8 with a stop at Mitre 10 Greymouth on the way. There were more finishing bits for the cladding and roller door to complete. Poor Al has the unlucky job of thinking 10 steps ahead where we need to put blocking so there will be something to fix to the cladding (there is a 20mm gap between the cladding and framing). We also had to start the interior linings so the roller door can be installed and we need the roller door so we can get the interior materials delivered, it became a chicken and egg conundrum. We used some of the left over sheets of poly as insulation until the rest of the insulation can be delivered with the interior materials.

Each day working on site Quasi and Essie go into their enclosure and are pretty good most of the day. But Essie knows when we are starting to pack up as she starts to get a bit vocal Not sure what the neighbour’s think we are doing to her but she is just so excited to going back to Bluespur.

A shout out to our neighbour’s Kay & Bryce for letting us use their power throughout the build, it would’ve been difficult to manage without it.

Hopefully we have thought of everything and fingers crossed the cladding starts this week and the roller door goes up and then we will have a lockable building. We will be back this weekend.