Fencing Part 2

On Saturday morning we headed back to Blackball – even though we knew the weather was supposed to be shite. And it was but we soldiered on. We wanted to get the last few fence posts in but the rain wasn’t playing ball and the post holes filled up with water quicker than we could bail them out. So we changed tack and decided we will just get them all set up and ready for the concrete on Sunday, as we knew the forecast was for fine weather. At the end of the day we were drenched and cold but were grateful to our neighbours Bryce & Kay for the use of their place for the night where we were warm and toasty and could dry out our gear by the fire.

Sunday morning we woke up to more rain but it was dry by the time we got to work. While I bailed out the post holes of water, Al came behind concreting them in and it didn’t take too long for that job to be finished. The sun then came out and we could get rid of the wet weather gear and the next job was putting the palings on down Bryce & Kay’s side. Working as a team we got that done in a couple of hours. By this time we were totally knackered but after a cuppa and a muffin at other neighbours Colin & Sheryn we had a little bit of energy left to stack the remaining timber in the container and pack up the trailer to head home.

We still have to put up the palings on the middle fence which will butt up to our garage/temporary accom but that won’t take long next time we are over. On the journey home we were surprised to hit snow through Cass, Castle Hill and Porters but then it was disappeared and it was dry when we got home.

So a big effort but it was worth it and we are ready for the next stage which will be to build our temporary accommodation. All going to plan the slab will be down before Christmas.