The Final Shift

The final shift

Our latest update is all about the final move but also a few photos of our holiday in Rarotonga.  It was a much needed break and we were so lucky with the weather and our days were spent scootering, snorkelling and chilling on the deck.  We worked out it was our 11th trip to Raro and it never disappoints.  

So then it was back to reality and stuff needed to be moved.  Since we got back on the 20th I have been concentrating on the move whilst Al has had to frantically catch up on the paid work and expectant clients.  Prior to Raro I resigned from my job at Safety Nets as it is time for me to get out from behind the computer and the timing was right with the shift coming up.   

The big move happened the weekend of the 24 & 25th assisted by friends Belinda, Valyn & Jase, along with Phil from the (formally) Hilton.  Phil generously offered his services for the day not only to drive but he also organized the truck.    It was a huge day starting early with Al and I using the tractor to lift the double dog kennel onto the trailer.  This was successful  and the kennel travelled well.   Phil was a super packer and managed to fit more in the truck then we thought we would.   Once the truck was loaded up, plus 2 trailers we headed off to Blackball arriving around 3.30.  As is usual the unpacking took less time but our hopes of an aisle down the middle of the container became a forgotten dream as we quickly filled all available spaces.  So much to sort out and get rid of but we had no time to do this in the lead up and just had to bring everything over to be sorted later.  At the end of the day we had emptied the house, the b&b/games room plus some outdoor furniture so not a bad effort and we appreciate all the help we couldn’t have done it without them.

We have 10 acres in Coalgate and in the 10 years we have been there, starting with living in a caravan to building the barn/B&B/games room,  a house, various sheds, chicken coop and 3 bay garage which all contained stuff.  So there was still a bit to move.  Our section here in Blackball is beginning to look like a scrap yard as we try to find places to put stuff, lucky we also have our bach in Blue Spur as well. The last 2 weeks have seen myself, Al and Neil drive back and forth with numerous trailer loads. I had to deal with snow and potential road closures but I got through in the end. Thanks to my sister Hel for helping me with the final clean before the pre-settlement inspection. With settlement next week we wanted to be done by the end of this weekend, so we headed over Friday night and had a final dinner at the Coalgate tavern, it hadn’t changed a bit and we are so grateful for the atmosphere at the Hilton and the Inn.

Today (Saturday) the aim was to move everything, bar the caravan, as Neil is bringing that to BB next week. Our good friends Jude and Brian kindly offered to store a few big items, so we dropped off the quad bike and tractor mower deck along with some random items such as the bird bath and concrete dog bowls. Next we towed the old Massey 35x around to Boydie’s place (a donation for all the help he has provided). It wasn’t as easy as we thought as the front tires were very flat so Al had to fight the steering all the way. It was sad to see her go as she did us well in the outset but we are sure Boydie will look after her and do her up.

When we got back to we assessed the next step. We looked at what we had and thought there is no way are we fitting that all on in one load with cleaning gear, bedding, clothes, crockery, dog, crates tools, vacuum cleaners, farm gates and a mattress. But we persisted and loaded on the ride on mower and then systematically packed things around it and by the end we had squeezed the whole lot in including two German Shepherds :).

So we have officially left Coalgate. It was a bit sad driving away for the last time seeing the house we built in the bare paddock we started with, but it is time for new adventures and we hope the new owners enjoy it as much as we did. But the more time we spend in Blackball, getting ensconced in the community, we are feeling more and more at home and know the decision to move here and the blood, sweat and tears to get here has all been worth it.

Our next blog will be the start of the house build with excavation planned to start the beginning of November. 

2 thoughts on “The Final Shift”

  1. My God you have been busy … thank goodness you got a break.
    Its all behind you now to settle in and beaver away at your own pace.
    Well done

  2. Kia Orana
    Mammoth effort ay Marg and Al. Well done. Coalgate is now a fantastic property with so much to offer the new owners. Good luck with the start of the new build. No doubt BB will be fab too. Will be over in the camper to help now and then. See you soonish.
    Cheers Hel

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