Temporary Accomm/Garage – Pt 20

Al headed over Friday morning and his mission was to get the stairs in. Al had a brilliant idea of getting these precut by Laser Cut Services from the drawings he had provided. It saved a lot of time and one less thing for his poor fried brain to think about and was definitely worth paying a little bit extra for as it was just like a kitset. They look fab! Neil & Dianne also arrived back for the final sprint towards the finishing line.

Saturday was a day of getting the last few bits done Neil & myself carried on with the balustrade lining while Al finished some nailing off of the internal ply. Once that was done there were some gaps to fill in around the mezzanine and stair, and Al and I did that while Neil carried on with the final staining. He caught up fast and was staining as fast as we nailed. We also managed to get one of the temporary bridges dismantled.

Sunday rolled around as quick as ever. We pulled down the last of the temporary bridges which gave as a true appreciation of the space. Neil and I tackled the balustrade while Al did the tricky bits around the skylights. Then it was a quick run to the dump, the only day we have had that our work was rain effected but we didn’t care, we just got wet.

At the end of Sunday was a big clean up and apart from the sewer and power being hooked up….. We finished, the build is complete enough for us to move in.

Monday was just a big tidy day, moving and stacking unused timber, sorting tools and laying a bit of carpet down and ready for a move in next weekend.

Dianne and Neil stayed on for Tuesday as the power was being hooked up and the sewer was being laid. We heard it all went to plan and the power is on yay!

We will do a final wrap up post once we are in and settled. But that concludes 53 days of building. Thanks to all for the support and encouragement throughout – it has kept us going.

Margie and Al