Temporary Accomm/Garage – Pt 17

It was the long weekend so we had 3.5 full days to get stuff done. Wednesday night we packed up the trailer and the falcon with the first load of many to move from one side of the alps to the other. Al left Thursday morning to BB as the council inspector was coming for the pre line inspection. The inspection passed easily and that meant we could start installing the internal linings. We had also had confirmation from the roofers that the cladding had been completed so it was great to see it finished. Neil & Dianne also headed over Thursday morning to camp in their caravan they had left parked up. I headed over after work on Thursday and although a bit of Easter traffic still managed to get to Bluespur just after 6pm for an al fresco dinner.

Friday morning we headed to BB as usual around 8am and enroute picked up a digger hired through Tennant Plumbing, so we could start clearing what will be the front garden. While Al got started on the digger, Neil installed the supports under the doors (called WANZ bars, who knew πŸ˜‚), while I prepared the windows and doors for painting. Then Neil and I started putting up the internal cladding starting in the wood shed while Al carried on excavating.

Saturday morning we knew rain was expected so Al got straight into excavation work. We needed to get the trench in for the fibre connection as well as levelling out the garden area while we had the digger. Neil and I carried on with the internal cladding getting the woodshed fully lined and moving on to the living area. We dropped the digger back on the way back to Hoki. It’s now darker earlier and cooling down but we still enjoyed the nearly full moon from Bluespur with the outdoor gas heater.

Sunday we all worked together on the internal cladding upstairs, both the roof and walls. There were lots of weird angles and shapes which keep our brains active leading to brain overload at the end of the day, there was no blood on the walls… ok maybe a little. It was good to get back to Bluespur for a rest, until we saw the neighbour’s cow on the road – not where it should be. We managed to get it back reasonably easily and just hoped it would stay there after fixing his fencing and blocking off the drive.

Monday was pretty much a full day too as we didn’t leave until 3.30. The day was again spent on the internal cladding and by the time we left we had didn’t have many gaps in the upper floor. We were grateful to Neil & Dianne for tidying and packing up for us so we could get on the road. They were staying in BB and Neil would carry on with various tasks including the electrical fit off. The Easter traffic wasn’t too bad coming home and we got back to find Sammy, Ben, the chickees and fishies all happy.

Next weekend is another long weekend (well for some that work normally work Mondays) and another big push on linings.