Temporary Accomm/Garage – Pt 9

Last weekend we decided to stay home and get some chores done. But this weekend we headed back to the coast to finish some of the fiddly bits that still need to be done. We headed off Friday after I finished work and the doggies were excited and jumped into the car eagerly. The traffic wasn’t too bad apart from the usual slowmos that speed up in the passing bays. We saw Joe, my boss, in the Safety Nets van just before Jacksons heading back to Chch. He had installed our nets on the way back from another job in Nelson. Friday night in 267 Blue Spur Rd (Hokitika) was pretty relaxing as we had left everything all set up including food in fridge which makes it so much easier – we just needed clean clothes and the odd supply. It was a beautiful evening sitting on the deck.

Saturday am we were up as usual at 7 and at BB by 9. It was great to see the Safety Nets in place and I got to see how they are installed, being admin I have only seen it from afar. We weren’t sure if the scaffolding would be in place, which would’ve made life much easier, but it wasn’t so we set up our own scaffold. It has been a god send and very easy to put up, dismantle and move. The first job was to add some blocking to the garage roof. I cut the blocking from Al’s measurements and would take them up to him to nail in place. Then it was adding additional purlins so the ply joints could be fixed as they did not line up with the standard purlins. Once again I was cutting and handing up to Al. Al then glued them into place from above while I has nailing them from below from the scaffold with the bradder that shoots very thin nails that can’t be seen. The last job for the day was to put the framing on the front of the building to nail the soffit too. This was another scaffold job which meant moving it along and adjusting the feet as needed on the uneven ground. Once again I cut and Al measured and nailed the blocking in to place. This took the rest of the afternoon. This was day 22 and once again a hot sunny day so plenty of water was drunk. We packed up and headed home around the usual time of 4 picking up some supplies on the way. We were both pretty tired so it wasn’t a late night.

Sunday was going to be just half a day as we would head home from BB. So a bit of extra time was needed to make sure everything was left in order, but not too much as we will be back next Friday night. There wasn’t too much to be done building wise until the scaffold is up next week so Al finished the barge overhang at the front of the garage. While he did that I tackled the out of control dock with some spray before it is over my head. The last task was to cut off the excess beam from the carport so its not in the way of the scaffolders. Once those tasks were done it was packing up time which usually takes about an hour then it was off home.

Next weekend Neil is back and we 3 will get the windows in. These are due to be dropped off on Friday. We are excited to see those in place.