Temporary Accomm/Garage – Pt 7

8-10 Jan. We headed over to Blackball Sat am and arrived about 11.45. Neil & Dianne had arrived a little before, they had also headed home for a couple of days. We had expected the concrete slab for the carport to be in place but that was not to be. Neil & I carried on with the roof purlins while Al built the framing for the 3 skylights. Then the 3 of us got the frames into place above the bedroom mezzanine. Then we headed back to Bluespur with the doggies.

The next day the first job was to get the skylights up and into the frames, another 3 person job. It was great to finally get them in place and we could imagine looking up at the stars at night (well when I put my glasses on lol). After that Neil carried on putting in some of the framing fixings while I put in blocking. Al started setting out for the carport beam, which wasn’t an easy task as the concrete slab is not there yet. But we needed to get on with it so his plan was to get it all up but have the centre post bolted to the slab but it looks like it was floating above the slab.

Monday’s first job for all of us was to get the carport beams fixed in place. Then it was back up on the mobile scaffold and ladders for Neil and I to put in the outrigger purlins and some extra blocking for the upper cladding. Lots of fiddly jobs to be done before the big wrapping. I left Al and Neil (and Dianne) to it about 2.30 and headed home ready for work the next day. I was sad to leave and even though it was hard work it was satisfying to help build our temporary home and see the progress each day. But Sammy was waiting for me as I pulled up and all was well at home. Back to BB on Sat for me and there has already been lots of progress which I will update you on in the next blog.