Temporary Accomm/Garage – Pt 6

After a full day at home to get some washing done and mow the lawns we got back to BB on Mon 3 around 11.45am to find Neil & Dianne sitting in their deck chairs in the ‘lounge’ waiting for us. They had held the fort while we were away, and Neil did some after hours work and also had tidied up the site and had everything set up ready to start. We got the mezzanine floors finished off and constructed a make shift bridge between mezzanines to help with the upper floor work to come. Once again we returned to Bluespur in Hokitika which has been our base.

Tuesday was another fine day and really rather warm but we managed to get the rafters on the lower roof and build the upper window and stairwell framing. The view from the upper floor is spectacular and we could envision what it will be like when finished.

Wednesday was again fine and hot for some more roofing work. Neil and I got the upper roof in place while Al built the framing for the skylights as well as cut and lifted all the rafters into an upright position we could hoist them up to the mezzanine. It was hard work for us but double the work for Al. Wednesday night we were all pretty exhausted especially with the heat of the day.

Thursday was half a day as we were all heading home for a couple of nights. We still managed to get the purlins on the lower roof and some fixings in place as well as checking the skylights would fit into the correct spaces. We also had an inspection for the carport concrete pad which is hopefully to be poured tomorrow (Friday).

Thanks again to Neil for all his hard work on site and the extra hands has made progress a lot quicker, and also to Dianne for our cuppas and lunch. And since we have to return to Bluespur each night they have taken our places in socialising at the Inn and having the social catchups that we haven’t been able to manage. But our time will come.