Temporary Accomm/Garage – Pt 2

On Thursday Al went over after work ready for the drainlayer on Friday morning. Our kind neighbours Bryce & Kay once again offered their place to stay which was fantastic.

The drainlayer was there to provide a connection to the sewer, which was supposedly 900m below ground (from council records). After a day of digging, and talking to a couple from Tibet, the sewer was nowhere to be found. They will be coming back Monday to continue excavations. We may end up with a wine cellar – watch this space.

In between the digging saga Al put in the posts and framing for the last part of the boundary fencing. This fence is different from the other boundary fencing as it was designed by Al to use the recycled iron provided by our neighbour Wendy and her son Austin.

Friday after work I drove to BB to help Al with affixing the iron sheets to the framing. I arrived just in time for drinks and dinner at the Hilton after which we both slept soundly. This morning (Sat) we were up early and by midday had finished the fence and are really pleased with the end result. Once painted it is going to look fantastic.

Then it was time to drive back home to check on the furry, hairy, scaly family left to their own devices for the night. We were happy that there were no dramas in our absence. 🙂